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Friday, August 01, 2008

Gemstones Scene Updates

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How To Start Gemstone Collecting

By Lee MacRae

Gemology is the science, art and profession of identifying and evaluating rocks known as natural diamonds or loose gemstones. A number of people taken up this profession as a hobby. They become interested in collecting and evaluating loose diamonds or loose gemstones. You'll even find some that like to travel to different areas close by to look for rough gemstones. Some hobbyists will learn to cut or tumble the gemstones they find. If you have an interest in this hobby follow along as we reveal the various aspects of gemstone collecting.

Right at the beginning, what you need is to visit the library and get some books. You want to learn as much as you possibly can about the subject of gemstones. The more you know about the hobby of gemstones the wiser will be your purchases. You need to be as informed as possible.

First on your list to factor in should be the color of the stone. You want the gemstone to be as close in color as possible to the pure spectral colors. The spectral colors are orange, red, violet, green, yellow, and blue. In general terms, the prices of very dark are very pale stones are lower than the vibrant colors.

The cut of your gemstone is an important aspect to consider when you consider a gemstone's value. The stone has to be cut with precision to reflect the light properly. A gemstone with an improper cut can't reflect the light consistently over its surface. The color hue, color tone and saturation will always appear inconsistent

Next to look at is the aspect of gemstone clarity. The aspect of clarity refers to internal flaws (inclusions) or the external blemishes of a stone. Any large flaws can be seen with the unaided eye with the others needing a 10X magnification.

Gemstones are often listed according to size because of being more uniform than carat weight. But two different gemstones may have the same size but different carat weights and consequently, different in prices as well. This is due to gemstone difference of specific gravity depending upon the chemical composition and crystal structure type Normally a one carat brilliant round diamond of typical proportions will be approximately 6.5 mm in diameter. A comparable a brilliant ruby of the same proportions in size will weigh in at 1.55 carats.

Getting involved in collecting gemstones can become an enjoyable pastime and could be rewarding as well over time. You can start small and don't have to spend a lot of money and yet you can end up with some very beautiful stones. Many people love to set aside vacation or weekend time to go looking for gemstones. Take the example of the United States. In Hawaii you can find Peridot and Coral. Or ou can take a longer vacation and find opal in Opalton, Yowah, Queensland, Austalia, topaz in Killiecrankie, Tasmania or check out the quartz regions in Mt Hope or Inverell, New South Wales.

Buy rough loose gemstones as well as Asscher loose diamonds and also natural color diamonds today in our store!

Gemstones For Sale

More Info On small loose diamonds

Lapis is a beautiful royal blue stone often associated with royalty. It is most
often seen as a necklace of beads or carved pendants.Lapis Lazuli is dark blue
possibly with white spots of calcite. It often has specks of pyrite which look
like gold. Lapis Lazuli has a hardness rating of 5.5.
Buy loose Alexandrite gemstones today!

Rutilated Quartz is clear or brown with copper red or golden fibers. These
fibers are mineral inclusions called "Rutilated Quartz" or "Sagenite." It is
popularly known as Venus-hair stone. Rutiles, small needle like crystals, maybe
red, black, or yellow. Golden rutilated quartz is known to be an important
healing stone that cleanses, energizes, and filters negative energy. If you
need to change direction in your life, rutilated quartz is an excellent stone to
use along the way.
Buy loose Sapphire gemstones today!

Proportion refers to the angles and relative measurements of a polished diamond.
More than any other feature, proportions determine a diamond's optical
properties. Studies have shown that table size, crown angle, and pavilion depth
have a dramatic effect on a diamond's appearance. Symmetry is a grading term for
the exactness of shape and placement of facets. Variations in symmetry include
off-center culets and tables, poor facet alignment, misshapen facets, out-of-
round girdles, and wavy girdles.
You will find used loose diamonds

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to visit Michigan to hunt for Agate, Chlorastrolite and Hematite.

8:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to visit Oregon to hunt for Agate, Obsidian, Hydrolite and Sunstone.

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite gemstone is iolite. My friend likes chrysocolla

3:11 AM  

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